You Can Change Your Mind

 “The tragedy of life is that people do not change.”

Do you believe this quote from respected author Agatha Christie?  Have you ever witnessed change in your own way of thinking of being?  I am here to tell you that while it might be true that most people cease to change, it is fully possible to do so.

Think of something you’d like to change about your partner, friend or anyone else close to you.  It’s pretty easy, isn’t it?  Now, do you think they can actually make that change?  What if we turn the finger around and pointed it at ourselves?  And not in a judgmental or shameful way, but rather a curious or opportunistic sense?  What might become possible?

While most people have deep groves of neural programming, life does indeed allow for change…one simply has to be aware enough to see it and motivated enough to act on it.  Seeing as how many of the readers of this blog go to see some form of physical therapist (physio, massage, acupuncture, chiro, osteopath, etc.), you are admitting that the body can change. 

How to change

Here are a few ways in which you can get started (not an exhaustive list):

·      Find one (or more) major pattern(s) that keeps recurring in your life and ask yourself if this is the only way to see or act?  No need to come up with any solutions yet, simply ask the question. 

·      Then ask yourself, “is this serving me and those closest to me?”  If the answer is no, then this is something you may want to bring awareness to.

·      Talk about it with another.  You’ll be surprised at how much can occur when we share what’s really inside of us.  If this seems too challenging, then journal about it to start.

Here comes the tricky part.  Once you’ve identified something that might be desirous to change, it can often be counterproductive to go right at it with a change agenda.  This is why mostly all New Year’s Resolutions fail.  Consider a conversation you may have with a partner where the other agrees they will change something.  Do you think it will be of service for them for you to be on top of them daily, insisting the change?  Unlikely.  They might do better with your patience and gentle encouragement as they make progress towards this new way of being 

Change takes time and it is a process.  Knowing that is a huge piece of the puzzle.  If you truly do want to change, please know the Universe is filled with tools and people that can help you.  It’s part of Nature to adapt and transcend.  And who knows, maybe your change story is the one that can help others.

With you on the path*,


(This article was originally posted in the May 2024 COM Physio Newsletter). 

*I borrowed this from my good friend Ryan Burkholder over at


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Unentangling Knots - Physically and Mentally


“You gotta keep making decisions”